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Mediapolis: your communication agency in St.Gallen
«Success is led by the power of communication.»

MEDIAPOLIS: who we are and what we do 

MEDIAPOLIS brings together leading communication and strategy consultants. We offer our clients a comprehensive network of personal relationships in the worlds of business, politics and sports and provide access to media systems in Switzerland and abroad. Our formula for success is to connect ideas, people and strategies. We view communication as an essential management tool, that leads you to prosperity. As key contributors to the creation of value, internal and external communication are indispensable components of any successful strategy.

We connect ideas, people and strategies

Communication connects worlds, shapes opinions and conveys messages. Communication is more than the mere linear transmission of contents. Companies are embedded in different worlds. These interconnections must be taken into account by all communication activities. The transmission of multilayered contents in a manner adapted to individual target groups, requires specific knowhow in business administration and economics, sociology, psychology, media studies, ecology, politics, history and natural or technical sciences.

Our team of communication experts

We set the highest standards for our consultants’ qualifications, integrity and working methods. Our staff works in an inspiring environment, which engenders creativity and high-level professionalism. Our team delivers thorough work and innovative, effective services, thereby providing the foundation for the success of our clients’ projects.

Full-service agency at your disposal

We put our expertise, experience and network of relationships to the disposal of our clients. Our deep understanding of the interconnections within business, politics and society allows us to develop convincing communication strategies that deliver measurable results. Our services include: Corporate Communications, Strategy Consulting, Public Affairs Management, Issue Management, Crisis Management, Media Relations, Internal Relations, Online Relations, Campaigning, Association Management and Ghost Writing.

Ready to talk? Get connected!

Our office

Mediapolis AG für Wirtschaft und Kommunikation
Kolumbanstrasse 2
9008 St.Gallen

T +41 71 246 51 00
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